Pollution is all about that cause the adverse change in natural environment. Pollution is mainly created by human beings and the other reasons like natural disasters, pollution makes adverse effects on all organisms as well as environment.
Pollution is invisible and creates too many problems for all, Pollution is caused by mainly several type of human activities, industrial waste, and transportation etc.
There are three major types of pollution which are chetegorised under these
This is the pollution which is caused by industrial, domestic and agricultural activities, now a days there are many nuclear and chemical plants which produces waste, the same way there are refineries and factories which produces bulk waste materials and this waste is spreaded over land and these factories occupies our land and are mostly settled in forests which effects the living beings nearby them.
Other main source is mining which is increasing rapidly for the fulfillment of human and other needs. Factories are producing products for human needs and they are made of different type of substances and materials which is needing raw material for this and this raw material is procured by mining majorly which in turn polluting our land and finishing our valuable resources from our land.
Deforestation is one another cause which is mainly polluting our land, deforestation is taking place just due to increasing needs of human being, businessman are making factories, refineries for product needs and many consumable products are made through trees and plants, as the population is increasing rapidly, and human colonies are spreading outside the cities and these all requirements are fulfilled by deforestation.
Land fill is rapidly increasing as the population increasing, they are overcrowding and in big cities there is no place even to keep a single pace easily, and the debris produced by these construction increasing land pollution.
The best things to prevent land pollution are to reuse items that can be reused, make recycling plants everywhere, where the recyclable things can be recycled.
Don’t let oils, engine oils spread freely on the land.
Pesticides should not be used in agricultural activities and other activities.
Industrialists should make recyclable, reusable products and which also have less packing, we should also buy products which can be reused and that do not harm our environment.
Another action is to be taken is to reforestation on our land, committees should be formed to grow plants and trees all round as well as in forests and these forests should be protected by law and permitted to cut in rare cases and licensed organizations.
Reforestation will improve fertility and will improve quality of our land.
Air pollution may be defined as the introduction of harmful and hazardous matters in our atmosphere which may lead to or cause danger to human beings and other living matters.
Other sources may be tobacco, power plants, large ships etc. which emits bulk smoke and causing air pollution.
Noise pollution is another reason which may be considered as the key factor to disturb our environment, these pollution is created by big factories, vehicles, large construction equipments etc.
Nuclear activities in another hand pollute our environment by emitting harmful radiant to air.
An important decision is to be taken against air pollution is to make necessary arrangement to reduce smoke to air which is mainly emitted by cars, factories, refineries, buses, and nuclear activities.
Regulations are to be formed against all these activities.
We should keep our vehicles maintained that they should not produce more smoke than original, Pollution control board should take actions to regulate these things.
Due to industrialization forests are reducing so we should take immediate actions to increase forests and regulate human activities by which these forests are reducing.
Trees are natural controller to air pollution so tree plantation is needed everywhere whether it is all around you and in forests.
As the Alternet to coal energy, nuclear energy which produces harmful gases and other harmful substances, solar energy systems should be developed.
Another source of energy is Wind energy which may be useful in reducing air pollution as it will reduce the need of coal energy and nuclear energy and which in turn reduce the consumption of coal and nuclear raw materials and thus air will be fresh.
Water pollution is called the introduction of biological, physical, chemical matters into water, which degrades the quality of the water, and affects the living being by giving ill effects on their health who consumes it in any way.
Main reason to water pollution is factories, refineries. Dew to industrialization factories are increasing rapidly everywhere to fulfill human needs, these factories produces goods of daily use but in turn they also produces waste materials which is drained into water and this water is full of high radiant, substances which effects badly to human and other living creature using this bad treated water.
Peoples wash cars and use different chemicals to wash and this water is drained into big water resources and this pollutes water resources as well as itself.
Air pollution may also be considered to cause water pollution because there are several gases in atmosphere, when it rains, the rain water brings these gases again down to earth with rain water and this water pollutes other water resources also.
Nuclear waste, scientific and medical processes have radioactive materials which can be harmful for peoples and other living being.
Sometimes big oil containers get accidents and the oil contained in it spreads over the sea, this oil mixed water effects badly on sea creatures.
We have to take some immediate action to prevent water pollution else this bad quality will harm living beings badly. Previously there is less part of water on earth which is drinkable and we are spoiling it.
Water treatment plants should be developed on priority basis where the water has reached to pollution level.
Refineries and factories should be established apart from city and water resources, so that the rubbish produced by them should not pollute water.
Water recycling plants must be developed near to the factories and water resources, factory owners should own their own treatment plant so that the need to get fresh water is fulfilled with the treated water and this will not pollute water also.
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